Welcome to the Tibetan Yungdrung Bön Study
Centre, UK
and Its Kusoom Ling Drubdra
We have created this website to keep you up to date with the activities of TYBSC
and Kusoom Ling Drubdra, centred on Khyimsar Lama Rinpoche's teaching schedule,
as well as to provide some information about the spiritual teachings
of Tibet's Ancient Yungdrung Bön Buddhism religion. The TYBSC News section include events,
free public teachings information and much more.
The Buddha taught Yungdrung Bön Buddhism comprising of Sutra, Tantra, and Dzogchen in Shambala and Zhang Zhung more than 18,033 years ago. Eventually his teachings were imported into Tibet and are the original spiritual tradition of Tibet and the Tibetan people.
TYBSC is now confirming that the proposed Zhang Zhung Meri Wang (Empowerment) by
Menri Ponlob Trinley Nyima Rinpoche is confirmed and the dates are now finalised. We couldn’t finalise it until the
necessary Visa had been issued by the British Embassy in Delhi, India.
Ponlob Rinpoche is the principal teacher of Menri Monastery, Dolanji, India
Short Biography of Ponlob Trinley Nyima:
Zhang Zhung Meri Yidam
Firstly, Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud is one of the Dzogchen teaching streams in Yungdrung Bon, which was imparted by Trulku
Tapi-Hritsa to Gu-rup Trul-ku Nang-zher Lod-po. Within this Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud Dzogchen, the principal Yidam (Deity)
is called Zhang Zhung Meri. Namo
Shenrab Chhok De-zhing Sheg-pa, Dhe-chen
Gyal-po Kun-szang Gyal-wa Dhud, E-ma ho,
Rab-jam Chhok-chui Gyal-wa Sey-che Kyi, Khyen-tsei
Ye-she Ngo-wo Chik Dhu-pa, Szab-gye
Shen-tein Pel-wai Trin-ley Chen, Lung-tok
Ten-pai Nyi-ma Tak-chhar Shog! E-ma ho,
Lab-soom Tein-pai Dhak-Nyid Dro-wai Gon. Kun-khyen
Nyi-wang Nam-rol Gong-tsel Zog. Dho-dhe
Ngak-kyi Ney-look Dzog-pa che. Tein-pa
Zin-kyong Trinley Nam-par Dak Yong-zin
Ma-wai Wang-Por Sol-wa Dheb! PRAYER May all
the sentient beings that are encompassed
by the SKY be enriched with happiness
and the cause of happiness! May all
the sentient beings be parted from suffering
and the causes of suffering! May the
minds of all sentient beings abide in the state
of equipoise, in which there exists neither
happiness nor unhappiness! May all
sentient beings never be separated
from the happiness of the Eternal
state of the Mind!
Khyimsar Lama Rinpoche is
a Bön Buddhist Master. He is the founder and spiritual
director of the Tibetan Yung Drung Bön Study Centre, UK,
The Tibetan Yungdrung Bon Institute, Miami, FL, USA, Kunzhi-Ling,
Switzerland and affiliated group in Italy. His teachings are based
on the Tibet's Pre-Buddhist tradition known as Yung Drung Bõn
Buddhism. He is a ri-med — non-sectarian
teacher. He has been teaching in the West as a resident teacher
for over 25 years.
Rinpoche was born in 1962 in the Dolpo region of Nepal. In Dolpo, Rinpoche completed his 3 Year, 3 months and 3 days retreat.
In 1979, Ponlob Rinpoche arrived at Menri Monastery in India (the main Bonpo monastery for Tibet as well as for the exile
community of India) and was ordained by H.H. the 33rd Menri Trizin and H.E. Yongzin Rinpoche. His studies focused on Sutra,
Tantra and Dzogchen as well as Ritual, Grammar, Poetry, Astrology, Divination, Medicine, Thangka painting, Mandalas and
Stupas. Ponlob obtained his Geshe Degree (Doctorate) from the Bon Dialectic School in 1989. In 1992, His Holiness Menri
Trizin and Yongzin Namdak Rinpoche honoured Ponlob Rinpoche by giving him the title of Ponlob Rinpoche succeeding
Ponlob Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche. It is the second most revered position in Menri Monastery. He is actively teaching
and responsible in training the students at Menri Monastery (both Shedra and Drubdra-Meditation school).
What is Zhang Zhung Meri Wang?
The complete cycle of Zhang Zhung Nyen-gyud Dzogchen consists of “Ka-gyud Kor-zhi” (The four precept treatise cycles:
Chhi-outer, Nang-inner, Sang-wa-secret and Yang-sang-further secret) and was orally transmitted by Trul-ku Tapi Hri-tsa
or Tapi Raza in Zhang Zhung to Gu-roup Trul-ku Nang-zher Lod-po. Trul-ku Nang-zher Lod-po later put them down into writing
for the benefit of future generations. However, Dru-chhen Gyal-wa Yungdrung, a pioneer lineage holder of the Dru lineage
of our time, has compiled a practice manual of the teaching known as “Nyam-gyud Gyal-wai Chhak-trid”, also called
Dru Gyal-wai Chhak-trid.
To engage in the Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud Dzogchen teaching course taught by Lama Khemsar Rinpoche, it is absolutely necessary
to receive the Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud Menri Wang from a prominent Lama, such as Ponlob Trinley Nyima Rinpoche.
Ponlob Rinpoche will be assisted by Lama Yungdrung Thinley, Lama Khemsar Rinpoche and Tsa Tsha Lama.
The dates of the Wang are as follows:
Friday 24 January 2025: Preparation and TSHOG offering by the Drubdra-was.
Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th of January 2025: 2 days Wang - Empowerment
It is strongly suggested to attend so as to receive the Wang, particularly as this is an Initial Requirement for the
Zhang Zhung Nyen-gyud Dzogchen course.
Please register for both days with Irina Sonam Yudron: sonamyudron@gmail.com
Time: 9:30 am to 4:30 pm both days, with lunch breaks.
Venue: Kusoom Ling Bonpo Gonpa, 30 Henry Road, New Barnet, London
The fee for both days is: £375 payable to TYBSC
Please send your fee to TYBSC and write a clear reference addressed to TYBSC’s treasurer Sarah Yeshe Lhamo:
Homage to you, Bodhisattva of sublime
Dra Chom-pa, Yang Dak-pa Dzog-pai Sang-gye,
Victorious, perfectly realized one and
Ten-pai Tso-wo Tonpa Shenrab Miwo,
Supreme Buddha of Enlightened Teachings,
Kun-le Nam-par Gyal-wa la Chhak Tshel Lo!
Teacher Shenrab Miwo, Victor of all,
to you I prostrate!
Nyam-med, the King of great bliss, who
is the embodiment of Kun-szang.
Mi-jed Szung-dhen She-rab Ma-wey Seng,
Wisdom deity, the lion of speech, endowed
with perfect memory,
Zam-ling Bön-gyi tsuk-gyen Nyam-med pa,
You are the matchless supreme banner
of the Bönpo world.
Sherab Gyaltshen Zhab-la Solwa dheb.
At the feet of Sherab Gyaltshen, I aspire.
“Human Life, no matter how successful,
famous, rich, and powerful one may think one is, it is completely
incomplete without taking a proper spiritual path. All the external
visible objects and internal thoughts and emotions are like soaps
bubbles which are subject to burst and keep on bursting! Yet,
ignorantly, one is so much attached to all of these visions and
therefore one suffers endlessly. Taking tranquilizer pills is
not the answer, but to learn to detach from attachment is the
supreme and lasting tranquilizer as Buddha Tonpa Shenrab and his
successors have taught!”
— Khyimsar Lama Rinpoche